Die Google Developer Group lud nach dem sehr gut besuchten letztjährigen DevFest auch in diesem Jahr wieder alle Interessierten in die Duale Hochschule Karlsruhe (ehemals Berufsakademie) ein, um einen mit…
Metrics by yammer provides runtime metrics and statistics for all kind of apps you can imagine. A lot of stuff is directly useable out of the box, for example measuring…
As some of you might already know, synyx provides their employees with an annual budget that we can spend on anything that helps us improve our job skills, such as…
CoffeeScript Vert.x supports JavaScript through the Rhino JavaScript engine. Although JavaScript is a decent language once you get to know it, I prefer CoffeeScript, a language that compiles to JavaScript.…
Event-Driven Concurrency At synyx, we are looking at vert.x for an upcoming project where we are building a system that will need to scale under load. The tag-line of vert.x…
A few years ago, a good friend of mine installed a small photovoltaic system on his roof. I’m very exited about installing some solar panels on a roof and start…
Von Montag, den 24.09 und Dienstag, den 25.09, fanden in Köln die OpenCms-Days 2012 statt. Gemeinsam mit dem ehemaligen synyxer Florian Hopf haben sich Oliver Messner, Fabian Buch und ich…
Die 7. “Free an Opensource Software Conference” fand zwar schon letztes Wochenende in St. Augustin (nahe Bonn) statt, aber darüber zu bloggen lohnt sich dennoch. Denn die FrOSCon ist mit…
While working on one of my projects we were faced with the problem of creating a report with a big amount of data to show on multiple Excel tabs (about…