It has been a while since our 1.0 release of I think I spider, but we have been working hard on a new major release with a couple of great…
One of the most impressive talks for me at WWDC 2010 was session 306 – “Automating Use Interface Testing with Instruments”. I’ve been wanting to check it out ever since…
On Wednesday, I’ll be giving a presentation on Apple’s Game Center at the local CocoaHeads Group, here in Karlsruhe. Game Center is Apple’s social gaming network, that lets you invite…
When you enable Apple Push Notifications (APN) for your App, your device generates a unique device token and pass it to the didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method in your App delegate. Usually, you’ll…
Today we are proud to present our own very first App (it’s actually our second Android App) that made it to the App Store and Android Market – I think…
It has been a while since my last update on our efforts over at the mobile solutions blog. The most important announcement was without any doubt the imminent release of…
In the previous part of this series we took a look on how to develop mobile applications with plain HTML, CSS & JavaScript (furthermore refered to as the web stack). A…
If you add a store to your app and use In App Purchases to collect your payments, there are a couple of limitations your have to live with. One of…
Wie passt das alles zusammen? Ganz einfach … “Holla the woodfairy – holla die Waldfee”. Was haben wir gelacht über diese und noch viele weitere “Übersetzungen” auf der Website “I…