We are developing Apps for Android and one important aspect of our pipeline is automated device testing using Espresso. My co-worker recently had to debug an Android test that would fail on only one of our various devices.
This post outlines the steps needed to simultaneously deploy to Maven repositories and to GitHub Releases. Every time a tagged commit is pushed, a Travis CI build will be triggered automatically and start the release process. This blog post uses Sonatype Nexus as an example for a Maven repository manager. Preparing GitHub Releases Sergey Mashkov has written a Maven plugin that allows us to create a new release on our project’s releases page and upload our build artifacts to a release.
Axon is a lightweight framework that supports the implemenation of CQRS patterns by providing commonly used building blocks. One of those patterns is an event sourced application architecture. Even…
Recently we had a problem related Springs auto-proxy feature that I think is worth writing about. The Problem We use Spring as our framework of choice because it provides us…
Last week Stefan and me took part as guests at the para//el conference in Heidelberg. The actual program was separated into 2 keynotes, one per day, and 36 talks, 18…
This is the second article of a springboot & reactjs article series about server side rendering and progressive enhancement. In the first article we have learned how to render a…
This is the first article of a series about server side rendering and progressive enhancement. We will implement a product list that can be sorted by two parameters. Furthermore the…
If you nowadays visit a conference, you still might get into contact with sessions where people are talking about monitoring or at least some aspects of it and ALM (application…
So that’s it. Three days, 2.000 Developers from 20 countries, over 140 speakers from around the world, and one outstanding beautiful city. It is for the first time, when Devoxx…