I think I spider 1.0 released
Today we are proud to present our own very first App (it’s actually our second Android App) that made it to the App Store and Android Market – I think I spider!
In corporation with Lars, a great designer from upstruct and the content from the hilarious website ithinkispider.com, we managed to release an App that hopefully puts a smile on your face every single day.
The App will send you a Push Notification every day if you are running it on an iOS device or it’ll update the neat widget on your home screen on Android. We call this the “Daily Spider”. From the widget or the notification, you can jump into the App which will lead you to our beautiful book cover. You’ve already got a glimpse of that in our App icon. A simple tab leads you to the Daily Spider.
In general, we let you rate and share those little quotes, which we like to call “Spiders”. The rating is shown as a ribbon of stars at the top left corner. If you’d like to rate a Spider – and we hope you do – you can simply tap the star at the bottom of the screen.
It’ll ask you to rate a Spider with 1-5 stars. We want you to rate each and every single spider, because at the top you can see bookmarks, leading you to more Spiders, among “Latest Spiders” and “Popular Spiders”.
Latest Spiders give you a weekly overview of what you might have missed. The bookmark on the right, leads you to the top rated Spiders, so it’s important to rate those little quotes!
In addition to voting you can share each and every Spider with your friends. At the moment we support Twitter and Email on iOS and basically everything you have installed on Android! On iOS we have an additional option: copy&paste, as you know it from any other iOS App.
If you like I think I spider please rate it on the App Store and Android Market! To give us feedback, leave a comment or send us an email to mobile [AT] synyx.de.
IThinkISpider is still not available in the german store :( Did you get the certificate yet?
Seems as if the App was pulled from the German Store? I cannot find it folowing either the link or searching directly for it. What happened?
Florian Krupicka
First of all we are sorry for the late reply.
We found out, that the reason why the app was pulled from the app store, was an expired certificate. We were focussing on Android development and our web projects the last few months and therefore didn't look after the small fun projects in a while. The certificates for our iOS applications expired about mid-may. We will renew them shortly and will make iThinkISpider available again soon.