Client code ignores REPOSITORY implementations; developers do not
Our team is working on an application for one of our clients, a service provider for container logistics, shipping cargo between seaports, terminals and other loading sites. The business domain also includes the calculation of shipping prices subjected to the agreements met between the shipping company and its customers. We recently implemented the concept of so called offers into the application, whereas each offer contains multiple terminal-specific prices. One or more offers may be assigned to a customer (see diagram below, capturing these domain concepts).
Our technology stack encompasses Spring Framework and JPA as the persistence technology. All the applications data is stored in a relational database.
@Entity public class Offer { @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) private Map< Long, Price> importBargePrices; @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) private Map< Long, Price> exportBargePrices; @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) private Map< Long, Price> importRailPrices; @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) private Map< Long, Price> exportRailPrices; ... }
Note the collection-valued associations between offer and price: in the current implementation these have been configured to be eagerly fetched. Setting the fetch type to eager loading forces the JPA provider to instantly fetch these entity attributes from the database when an offer is read.
Beyond JPA we also use Spring Data. So, there’s a repository representing a collection of offers and encapsulating the internal details of database access:
public interface OfferRepository extends JpaRepository< Offer, Long> { Offer findByLabel(String label); }
When things went wrong
Before deploying our application to production, we did some exploratory testing in a production-like environment. During testing, we realized that the application ran out of memory when doing one of the the following operations:
- loading an offer from the database (in order to display its details)
- assigning an offer to a customer
These two use cases have been tested constantly by our acceptance tests, every time the Continuous Integration server finnished building and deploying the application into a test server. Nevertheless, both use cases now turn out to be broken in a production-like environment. One obvious difference between the environment for CI acceptance testing and the production-like environment is the amount of data stored in the database.
Java Virtual Machine monitoring and profiling with jvisualvm revealed huge memory consumption when reconstituting a single stored offer entity using the repository method findOne
. OfferRepository
extends JpaRepository
and therefore provides the aforementioned method;
Spring Datas SimpleJpaRepository
implements this method to simply call JPA EntityManagers find
@Override public T findOne(ID id) { ... Class< T> domainType = getDomainClass(); return type == null ? em.find(domainType, id) : em.find(domainType, id, type); }
Analyzing the SQL that gets constructed and executed by the JPA provider discloses a relatively big number of outer joins in the generated select statement; this is not an issue with Spring Data.
“Spring Data JPA itself does not control the interaction with the database directly. All it does is interacting with the EntityManager, so effectively all behavioral effects are defined by JPA and
the underlying OR-mapper.”
[Oliver Gierke, Spring Data Project]
Introducing the finder method findById
into OfferRepository
and replacing calls to findOne
by calls to findById
had an effect on the generated SQL: instead of one select statement with more than twenty outer joins, we now have multiple select statements each having three outer joins at most.
public interface OfferRepository extends JpaRepository< Offer, Long> { Offer findById(Long id); Offer findByLabel(String label); }
In both cases, because the offers collection-valued associations are configured to be eagerly loaded, price data is implicitly fetched from the database when an offer is initially read. And in case of using findOne
, the generated SQL statement causes the application to crash with an OutOfMemoryError.
But just replacing any call of findOne
falls too short. Look at the following code that assigns the specified offer to a customer:
Offer offer = offerRepository.findById(offerId); Customer customer = customerRepository.findById(customerId); customer.addOffer(offer);;
First both, the offer and the customer (each specified by Id) are queried from the database. Then, the offer is assigned to the customer and finally the customer gets updated. A programmer not aware of JPA and Spring Data internals might overlook that save
, which is actually provided by Spring Data, invokes the JPA EntityManagers merge
method and he might not know the details of the JPA concepts of detachment, merging and transaction-scoped persistence contexts.
Now, assume that retrieving the offer and customer and eventually updating the customer are executed not within the same transaction. This means that the offer entity is no longer in managed state when the JPA merge operation does its work. JPA persistence contexts are tied to the lifecycle of a transaction which implies that the JPA provider again reads the offer from database, instantly fetching all of its collection-valued associations, which in our case causes the application to run out of memory (again, there are lots of outer joins in the select statement sent to the database).
Ensuring that reading offers and updating the customer are handled in the same transaction fixes the memory issue, but the better approach would have been to avoid eager loading at all. This not only decreases the impact on memory but also reduces the amount of SQL and speeds up the queries and object loading. These are the reasons that JPA defaults to lazy loading (aka deferred loading, on-demand fetching) for collection-valued associations; but keep in mind that lazy loading is just a hint to the JPA provider, i.e. behaviour will depend on its implementation.
Deepen the knowledge of the technologies you are using
Care about the internal details of the persistence technology. Generally speaking, decoupling clients from repository implementation and the underlying technology is great, but this does not relieve the developers from the need to understand the consequences of using encapsulated behaviour, including its performance and resource-related implications.
In other words:
“Client code ignores REPOSITORY implementations; developers do not”
[Eric Evans, Domain-Driven Design]
Measure, don’t guess
Testing the application should not only be done on a regular basis and in an automated fashion, but equally important, performance measuring and memory monitoring in production-like environments is essential and must not be ignored. In an iterative development process, these tests should be done in each iteration.
Oliver Gierke
Great stuff! Definitely a good list of common pitfalls, developers run into. I generally would recommend not to use eager loading in the first place, unless you really can estimate the number of related entities being returned. Because even if the query executed to read the root entity includes the related ones (through the fix you described), you might still run into OOMEs as the amount of data simply doesn't fit into memory.
Are you sure, switching to a query method actually loads the related data eagerly? I am wondering as usually executing a query completely overrides the fetching strategies and have to be incorporated manually (see this <a href="" rel="nofollow">blog</a> for details.
You might wanna try the Hibernate specific <code>@Fetch</code> annotation to directly control the fetching strategie for by-id lookups. Also, the latest Spring Data JPA milestone (1.5.0.M1) supports simply redeclaring CRUD methods to tweak the query being executed. So a simple <code>@Query("select o from Offer o fetch join … where id = ?1") List findOne(Long id);</code> should allow you to tweak the query executed easily.