Debugging on your N900
During development I realized that many device specific features are not available in the emulator. So I decided to find a way to debug software in realtime on the device. First of all I had to upgrade my Device to version PR 1.2. So my SDK and the device libraries had the same version numbers.
I had to install the „maemo pc connectivity“ Package on my N900 and on my host pc.
First I enabled the developer repository on my N900:
catalog name: extras-devel
web address:
distribution: fremantle
components: free non-free
in a shell on the N900:
sudo gainroot
apt-get install maemo-pc-connectivity gdb
On my Host System I added the repository:
deb intrepid main
and installed host-pc-connectivity by typing:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get instsall host-pc-connectivity
I had a new usb device with an IP address
On my N900 I configured in the system-settings->pc connectivity manager the “default” environment:
connection type: usb
After applying and saving the changes the N900 was ready. I connected it to my pc and opened an ssh shell to the device. I used the username and password I have been asked for while installation on the n900.
In ESBox i had to open the Debug Configurations Dialog and created a new Maemo Remote Application. Most points should be clear. The point Download is interesting: I used
Download Method: ssh
Verify the target path. It must be a path that is writeable by the user you have used for the ssh session above. Klick on „Edit“->the link SSH panel and configure the destination folder if necessary.
That was all. The complete documentation of “pc connectivity” can be found here This documentation describes howto use certificates to avoid password fields during the launch process. This is not necessary, simply type the username and password once and check remember.