There are several different tools to maintain the internal structure of a java application available. The tools range from simple open source software like jdepend and degraph to full fledged architecture…
Recently we had a problem related Springs auto-proxy feature that I think is worth writing about. The Problem We use Spring as our framework of choice because it provides us…
Anstatt immer wieder zur Fortbildung auf Konferenzen zu fahren hatten wir dieses Jahr noch eine andere Idee: Wir hatten einen Inhouse-Workshop zum Thema “Visual Thinking” mit Tanja alias @frauhoelle. Ziel…
Zeig’ mir Deinen Code und ich sage Dir wer Du bist. Oftmals kommen Unternehmen mit der Bitte um einen Code-Review auf uns zu. Gründe dafür gibt es viele, jedoch dreht…
The last few blogs about acceptance-testing focused on setting up a nice and scalable infrastructure to do testing through the (web)-GUI using a Selenium grid. Since we’ve got this running…
In the last posts we set up our infrastructure to be able to aquire Browsers that run on a remote host and we created a selenium Grid infrastructure that is…
After showing you how to request a remote browser from a Selenium Grid in the last part its time to put some effort in getting the grid running smoothly. Also,…
In the first part of the series I gave some reasons why to do acceptance testing (or webtests) as well as a rough overview how we do it at synyx.…
Overview – Why and how we do web-testing In my team at synyx we wrote a lot of tests in 2012. Most of the tests were unit-tests (as a consequence…